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IBANEZIbanez GRG7221QA-TKS Gio (Transparent Black Sunburst)
Ibanez GRG7221QA-TKS Gio (Transparent Black Sunburst) Electric GuitarThe Ibanez GRG7221QA-TKS Gio (Transparent Black Sunburst) is a 7-string Gio Electric Guitar from the RG Series. A pair of Infinity R Humbucker pick-ups (specially designed for the 7-string set-up) produce the recognisable tones of Metal-inspired music. The GRG7221QA features an ultra-slim neck profile for easy handling of playing techniques in all registers. Complimentary Black hardware such as the Ibanez F107 Bridge and the Die-Cast machine heads perfectly finish the look of this instrument, and ensure solid tuning stability during play. The main features of the Ibanez GRG7221QA-TKS Gio (Transparent Black Sunburst) include: 7-String RG Series Gio Electric GuitarBody: Poplar with Quilted Maple TopNeck: MapleFingerboard: New Zealand PinePick-Ups: 2x Infinity R HumbuckerBridge: Ibanez F107Machine Heads: Die-CastHardware: BlackFinish: Transparent Black SunburstХарактеристики:Производитель:IbanezСерия:GioДизайн:RGКорпус:Т0 5173751737RUB51737RUB

Ibanez GRG7221QA-TKS Gio (Transparent Black Sunburst) в Новокузнецке
Ibanez GRG7221QA-TKS Gio (Transparent Black Sunburst) Electric GuitarThe Ibanez GRG7221QA-TKS Gio (Transparent Black Sunburst) is a 7-string Gio Electric Guitar from the RG Series. A pair of Infinity R Humbucker pick-ups (specially designed for the 7-string set-up) produce the recognisable tones of Metal-inspired music. The GRG7221QA features an ultra-slim neck profile for easy handling of playing techniques in all registers. Complimentary Black hardware such as the Ibanez F107 Bridge and the Die-Cast machine heads perfectly finish the look of this instrument, and ensure solid tuning stability during play. The main features of the Ibanez GRG7221QA-TKS Gio (Transparent Black Sunburst) include: 7-String RG Series Gio Electric GuitarBody: Poplar with Quilted Maple TopNeck: MapleFingerboard: New Zealand PinePick-Ups: 2x Infinity R HumbuckerBridge: Ibanez F107Machine Heads: Die-CastHardware: BlackFinish: Transparent Black SunburstХарактеристики:Производитель:IbanezСерия:GioДизайн:RGКорпус:Т
Gitar 7-String Untuk Pemula & Semi-pro - Ibanez Gio GRG7221QA [] Sound Test Review
Gitar 7-String Untuk Pemula & Semi-pro - Ibanez Gio GRG7221QA [] Sound Test Review
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